Francis Lagneau

Marketing Zo

Studio GAM (La Chapelle) photos


Photos de Jean-François Lona


JM Ceulemans and Pedro Mendez

Dietmar Schillinger and Francis Lagneau

JM Ceulemans

Francis Lagneau

Francis Lagneau and Dietmar Schillinger

Dietmar at console

Dietmar Schillinger and Pedro Mendez

Francis Lagneau playing flute

Dietmar Schillinger and JM Ceulemans

JM Ceulemans at piano

Andre Godin and the producer Pierre Piront

Gam studio

JM Ceulemans

Dietmar Schillinger, Andre Godin, Pierre Piront

JM Ceulemans and Francis Lagneau




Francis Lagneau playing flutes

Francis Lagneau playing keyboard

Pedro Mendez at piano

Dietmar Schillinger








The entirety of the contents of this site is the exclusive property of Francis Lagneau according to the laws on the royalty. Any use not - authorized of these contents without the authorization of the originator will be the subject of continuations. Sabam - © 2008